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Tuesday 16 February 2010

Found by the water.

Common Sandpiper
Lesser Black-backed Gull
I went out this morning in search of the Bullfinches, but as you can see, I didn't get one. I can hear their call, but it was really quite gloomy and rainy. So, I went back home. Brilliant, no, I rang a mobility scooter dealer, so I can get rid of it. I've got two of of them, and I think that its bad to have so many. But, it turned rather a nice day, so I couldn't go out on this marvelous afternoon, Drat it!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 15 February 2010

Starlings at my home

I love them, they are magnificent when feeding and they dominate the sky with their flying in great multitudes, round and twisting, just about time to go off and land on a branch . I think that I've got to stop talking and leave it for the Starlings!

Sunday 14 February 2010

Travelling man.

Song Thrush
Greylag Goose
I was just travelling about the forest taking photos of anything. It was a glorious day.