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Friday 4 February 2011

Baikal Teal (Slimbridge WWT)

Right, let's talk about the weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, we want to talk about something else, like the birds and nature. The Baikal Teal is a bird that from Siberia down to Taiwan. It is a dabbling duck and breeds in the forests. It breeds in pools on the tundra edge and within swampy forests. In winter it is found on lowland fresh waters. This species is classified as Vulnerable due to hunting and destruction of its wintering wetland habitats. However, recent books state that the species is making a good comeback.
There are approximately 300,000 baikal teal in the world.
There I told you, actually, it was stolen from Wikipedia. I am naughty.......
Now, I thought that you might like this;
Save Our Forests  has 450159  people who have signed the petition. And for all of you who do not live in Britain and have a passionate desire to help, well, here it is: The Woodland.