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Tuesday 5 January 2010

Blackbirds eating in the snow

I stayed at home for most of the time, it was snowing.
Now, let's sign a piece of email.
I got this from a man called Alan Weaver


I know that I circulated this 18 months ago, however my mailing list has changed and therefore some of you have not received it.

If you have already done this - thank you.

If you have not. or this is the first time you have received this from me, please sign the petition.


Monday 4 January 2010

It was foggy, all day. Actually, it started to get sunny about 2 pm, but it wasn't to be, it only took about 45 minutes and then went away again. Oh, there have been some beautiful days. Oh yes, somebody told me it was really sunlight up in the forest, and I did not go that way. Damn.

Sunday 3 January 2010

Wren (Naas Lane, Lydney)

What a tiny bird it is? In fact, it is a bit larger with this winters coldness. It has blown itself out to get away from the cold. It is cold!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 2 January 2010

Lapwings at Naas Lane, Lydney

I knew I'd get much closer, the only thing is, £3.500 for another lens. So, if you want to give it to me, then I would really love it. Why, where have you gone......................