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Tuesday 31 August 2010

Parthenos sylvia lilacinus

They are old and tattered. These are the first in a series, wait for awhile and you may get all of them I photographed.

Monday 30 August 2010

Sunday 29 August 2010

My journey through the country side.

Speckled Wood butterfly in the grass.
Small Copper butterfly
The Pheasant running or should I have said walking away from me, unfortunately he went and hid someplace where he thinks that I wouldn't find him. He was wrong, down along the way that I traveling along, I found him, I just was surprised as he shot off a few metres away.
A pear planted out in the country, I wonder who did it.A Ladybird.
The Greenfinch hiding.
Gatekeeper butterfly getting old, ohhhhhh!
Apple tree in the country, again somebody who likes them.

Friday 27 August 2010

Chiffchaff (Wild Lydney)

It was an absolutely shocked to catch this little fellow, he/she seemed to be happy. It darted from one leaf to another, but he stopped for a while, when it is my turn. Then, I felt happy, thanks little fella!