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Friday 26 October 2018

Harris Hawk - Parabuteo unicinctus

The Harris's hawk formerly known as the bay-winged hawk or dusky hawk, is a medium-large bird of prey that breeds from the southwestern United States south to Chile, central Argentina, and Brazil.


Wednesday 24 October 2018

White Stork - Ciconia ciconia

Taken by my son, Callum.

The white stork is, largely, a carnivorous bird. They are wading birds covered in white feathers, except for the black primary feathers on their wings. They have slender legs that are bright orange and have long, sharp bills. Adults are 100 to 115 cm tall with half this height being made up of the legs. The male of the species is usually larger than the female. White storks inhabit open wetlands, savannahs, meadows, pastures, and agricultural fields. They prefer areas with shallow, standing water. During the breeding season, white storks seek out areas with suitable structures on which to build nests. They especially like sunny areas on tall trees or rooftops. The female will lay three to five eggs which are incubated for 33 to 34 days. The chicks are fed by both parents via regurgitation and will eat up to 60 percent of their body weight each day, until around nine weeks of age when the chicks leave the nest.

Monday 22 October 2018

African Pygmy Goat - Capra aegagrus hircus

African pygmy goats are a small domestic breed of goat. They are social animals and live in herds. Like other goats they are great climbers and love to jump on rocks and logs. These goats are mainly black, white, grey and brown in colour. Both sexes have horns but only the males have beards. Pygymy Goats are also very smart and curious.