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Saturday 5 April 2014

Black Crowned Crane (Balearica pavonina)

The body of the Black Crowned Crane is mostly black, with distinctive white upper and under wing coverts. The head is topped with a crown of stiff golden feathers. Cheek patches are red and white. The subspecies are most easily distinguished by the differences in the coloration of their cheek patches. In the West African subspecies, the lower half of the cheek patch is red; in the Sudan subspecies, the red extends into the upper half of the cheek patch.
In capture.

Friday 4 April 2014

Wigeon [Anas penelope]

I took this one from a distance, and I shot this one about a month ago, but it was quite alright, cropped a bit though.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Pheasant [Phasianus colchicus]

A large, long-tailed gamebird. Males have rich chestnut, golden-brown and black markings on body and tail, with a dark green head and red face wattling. Females are mottled with paler brown and black. They were introduced to the UK long ago and more recent introductions have brought in a variety of races and breeds for sport shooting, unfortunately.