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Wednesday 23 May 2012

House Sparrow female (The Boating Lake, Lydney)

I found this one, nesting in the reeds, along with Reed Warblers, Blue Tits and the Reed Buntings, all in approximate 3 meters. Cosy!!!!!!!

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Mandarin Duck (Forest of Dean)

I am not very pleased with the outcome, I think that it needs fiddling with. Here are todays blog.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Female Goosander (Forest of Dean)

The "weatherpeople" say we might get a spot of fine weather, can you believe it, ummmmmmm...................

Saturday 19 May 2012

Eider duck (Slimbridge WWT)

An oldie but goldie. One of my favourites.

I was 16 when this one came out, folk music was hype.