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Thursday 17 February 2011

Reed Bunting (2nd Lake on Harbour Road, Lydney)

I had a glimpse at the reeds, and there it was, the Reed Buntings. There were three of them, all males. The funniest of the Reed Bunting is, it was the first time I had seen them clambering about in the reeds. Funny, ha ha!

I have stopped the "Save OUR Forests" for now, should anything triggered by the government, I will start up the petition, I hope that nothing will happen.

We are the WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A message from 38 degrees

Dear Bob,

WE'VE WON! The government has just confirmed they're totally scrapping the forest sell-off. The phoney consultation has been cancelled. The sinister legal changes to pave the way for privatisation have been dropped.

We did this together. Next time someone tries to tell any of us that signing petitions or emailing our MPs doesn’t work, we’ll know exactly what to say: “People power does work. Just look at the Save Our Forests campaign”.

Over half a million of us can feel very proud of what we've achieved together today. 

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Chaffinch (Forest of Dean - HOOF)

The government has come out with this statement, that we should take down our SAVE OUR FORESTS from the trees and places, why. In my opinion, now is the beginning of our fight, so put up more.
Save Our Forests  has 531301  people who have signed the petition. And for all of you who do not live in Britain and have a passionate desire to help, well, here it is: The Woodland Trust

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Long-tailed Tits (Forest of Dean - HOOF)

I love the L-T Tits, they had found where someone had just a place to feed them, and they were very hungry.

Save Our Forests  has 528223  people who have signed the petition. And for all of you who do not live in Britain and have a passionate desire to help, well, here it is: The Woodland Trust

Monday 14 February 2011

Brambling (Forest of Dean) - HOOF

I caught the Brambling up in the Forest of Dean. He was a bit jittery about being alone. The photographs are almost there.
Save Our Forests  has 524034  people who have signed the petition. And for all of you who do not live in Britain and have a passionate desire to help, well, here it is: The Woodland Trust