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Monday 14 February 2011

Brambling (Forest of Dean) - HOOF

I caught the Brambling up in the Forest of Dean. He was a bit jittery about being alone. The photographs are almost there.
Save Our Forests  has 524034  people who have signed the petition. And for all of you who do not live in Britain and have a passionate desire to help, well, here it is: The Woodland Trust

Sunday 13 February 2011

Eagle Owl

It has been raining, all day. Gotta delve into my bag.

Save Our Forests  has 515643  people who have signed the petition. And for all of you who do not live in Britain and have a passionate desire to help, well, here it is: The Woodland Trust

Saturday 12 February 2011

Moorhen (The Old Canal, Lydney)

Fantastic day, sunny a suprise I think. What had happened to Lydney since October, well I'll tell you what. There is a terrible wrong, they have knocked the trees right down, which were my bird watching places. I want to go - but where shall I go? Are they going to leave any woods, at this time, the government is to encourage the growing of trees, I don't think so.
Save Our Forests  has 510641  people who have signed the petition. We have done it, reaching the point of no return, let us make it to another milestone.
And for all of you who do not live in Britain and have a passionate desire to help, well, here it is: The Woodland Trust


Friday 11 February 2011

Canada Geese at Lydney boating lake.

This morning was a wash out, I didn't think there was anything to raise our hopes, but, it picked up in the afternoon. So, I went out. There wasn't much around, so I went to the boating lake, there is always some waterfowl, as you might think.

There was one with a ring, it is 502 to begin it.

Save Our Forests  has 500012  people who have signed the petition. We have done it, reaching the point of no return, let us make it to another milestone. 
And for all of you who do not live in Britain and have a passionate desire to help, well, here it is: The Woodland Trust

More about the goverments sell off of OUR forests.

Today was the day our government said that it would for a couple months. That would put an end to petition, well, it doesn't.
The government have announced they will pause forest sell-offs for a few months. It's a brilliant sign, but our forests are still in danger. If we keep working together, we can save our forests forever - not just for a few months.

The government is still going full steam ahead with changing the law to clear the way for a 100% sell-off. It looks like they hope the fuss will die down if they pause a few sales here and there - so they can press on with quietly scrapping legal protection for our public woodlands.
Our petition is now 490,000 strong. Let's show the government we will keep campaigning until English forests are safe, by making sure the petition passes half a million signatures today.
Save Our Forests  has496664  people who have signed the petition. And for all of you who do not live in Britain and have a passionate desire to help, well, here it is: The Woodland Trust