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Saturday 18 September 2010

Friday 17 September 2010

A bad day......................

Small Copper butterfly

Kestrel (a long way and too dark)
Grey Wagtail (Not enough sun)
Bumble Bee
That is why it's a bad day, either it's too dark for my camera, and it was positioned at the wrong way. Tut, I am a fool, or a ............................

Thursday 16 September 2010

Cormorant (Lydney, boating pond)

The Cormorant, young 'un I think. It didn't move, not even for a DOG. Well, he must been tired.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Nuthatch (Cannop Ponds, FOD)

It was a boring day, well, around here anyway. So, I had to find something to take with my camera. Ah, what about a Nuthatch, that will do nicely thank you.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Mushrooms alive (New Fancy, FOD)

Russala to Boletus, there are many kinds of which I have forgotten. But, I think, that all of these are, do you want to be in my hands!