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Friday 17 September 2010

A bad day......................

Small Copper butterfly

Kestrel (a long way and too dark)
Grey Wagtail (Not enough sun)
Bumble Bee
That is why it's a bad day, either it's too dark for my camera, and it was positioned at the wrong way. Tut, I am a fool, or a ............................

Thursday 16 September 2010

Cormorant (Lydney, boating pond)

The Cormorant, young 'un I think. It didn't move, not even for a DOG. Well, he must been tired.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Nuthatch (Cannop Ponds, FOD)

It was a boring day, well, around here anyway. So, I had to find something to take with my camera. Ah, what about a Nuthatch, that will do nicely thank you.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Mushrooms alive (New Fancy, FOD)

Russala to Boletus, there are many kinds of which I have forgotten. But, I think, that all of these are, do you want to be in my hands!

Monday 13 September 2010

Harris Hawk (Part II)

It didn't rain very much, but it was dark day, so I didn't go out. So, I dug these out.