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Wednesday 9 June 2010

So much was the rain.........

Common Tern
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Four-spotted Chaser

I don't know what this fly is, I learnt its common name. but now, I can't remember it; can someone help me?

Tuesday 8 June 2010

It was raining today, so here is part two.

The two of them were fawns and they had clocked me.
the rest were hungry
then they saw me
and ran.

Monday 7 June 2010

I and my scooter, were well camouflaged at this time. She was feeding only a couple of metres from me. I was so excited. In all, I counted 7 groups, in the space of 1 square kilometre. It was the fact, I didn't catch a Stag. Maybe I'll be lucky.

Sunday 6 June 2010

Secretary Bird (Part 4)

Now I understand, she/he's way of wiggling with beautiful eye lashes. I think that is the end of a this ICBP type. I'll give another account in the future.

Saturday 5 June 2010

Steppe Eagle (ICBP) Part 3

The Russian Steppe Eagle, though I'm not quite what he/she it. Tell me if you think it's not.