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Wednesday 26 May 2010

Whitethroat (Naas Lane, Lydney)

The Whitethroat is carrying a beak full of insects to it's offsprings.
I must say this, that the people who throw their rubbish (tyres, household things, parts of decorating, and more) in a layby, without even thinking about it. They are just mindless.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Snipe-fly (Wild Lydney)

It's a dull day, nothing moving; even this Snipe-fly. At least I think that's her name.

Sunday 23 May 2010

Broad-bodied Chaser (female) (Boysgrave, Forest of Dean)

I photographed this one, when I was tired from sun, extremely hot, time for trip back to my home. Then she appeared, that golden yellow. It's lovely.