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Thursday 6 May 2010

Birds and an animal of the forest.

 I wish that he would turn round, although its attention wasn't on me.
The Dunnock, with a leaf of grass, which is most annoying.
The Grey Squirrel, there are plenty in the forest.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Great Spotted Woodpecker (Forest of Dean)

Three in a posture. Food is prepared. It is brown bread, or is it? She is making a meal out it.
Don't blame me, I am only the photographer!

Tuesday 4 May 2010

What's in Wild Lydney

Mallard Duck hiding & preening.A leaf
Grey Heron diving for a fish
Buttercup with two flies
I am going out with my daughter, to dine and drink. Happy birthday Yahna.

Sunday 2 May 2010

Whinchat at Naas Lane, Lydney

These were taken to far away, but, I had to show it because I had not photographed it before.