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Saturday 27 September 2008

A Misty morning in Foxes Bridge Colliery

Not so bad. The cold and foggy start to a most brilliant sunshine. I saw plenty of Fallow Deers, but I didn't manage to photograph them. Still, I will keep on.

Friday 26 September 2008

A Tree Stump at Nagshead nature reserve

It was a quiet day, nothing very new. In fact, I had to photograph the nearest to me. I was in the Campbell hide, and for 2 hours, I didn't see anything. I mean just that.

Wednesday 24 September 2008

Pheasant being fattened for Christmas

They are only kept for shooting them. It is funny, how they are born, about 8 months later, then put out to be shot. That's funny, imagine it could be a human, living till 16 years and being bred for that purpose, ha ha. Oh, ask the suicide bombers?

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Carrion Crow at Lydney recreation grounds

Wow, its another one. This is a war victim, and has lost his right eye. It might have been in a fight perhaps, with a Buzzard, and they always try to mob them.
By the way, the Mute Swan cygnet, the one that I was talking about, has finally joined its parents. I am glad.