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Wednesday 16 July 2008

Migrant Hawker at Lydney boating pool.

I'm still waiting for the gate (kissing gate), one with a lock, to let me, and other disabled users in. The person who has the lovely job, has told me that it would come. The next job is to get them in the Forest of Dean.

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Gatekeeper at The Marshes, Lydney

It turned out to be a glorious day, but a bit too windy. It's climate change, or so they say.

Monday 14 July 2008

Grey Heron

It is not a picture of the day, but I thought that you would like it. It has been a terrible day, hardly anything to photography.

Sunday 13 July 2008

Four-Spotted Chaser at Nagshead Nature Reserve

Not a good picture. It will do.
I met Lewis Thomson there, working for the RSPB. We had a good a bit chat. It is a nice thing to meet someone whose work is outstanding. I must remember to put his name on the links.
There it is, up in links.

Saturday 12 July 2008