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Sunday 11 May 2008

Peacock photographed at Farmers Green, Parkend

At Farmers Green it was a noisy affair, birds were twittering away, but it was impossible to check them out, apart those that were always there. Still, we will endeavour.

Saturday 10 May 2008

Oak at Nagshead nature reserve

Yesterday I went to Salisbury to pick up my new trailor for my buggy, Tramper. And today, I tried it out with a trip around Nagshead. It held the road and it went very well.
At Nagshead, it wasn't very good, I couldn't find anything to photograph except the Oak.

Thursday 8 May 2008


Our forest is full of them. It will last about two weeks and then they die, until next year.

Wednesday 7 May 2008


I went up to Mosely Green, (The Rising Sun) with my daughter. And we were having a pint and a meal, what do you think it was, we heard the Cuckoo.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Broad-bodied Chaser at The Marshes, Lydney

I met Brian Thomas, the guy who owns a "Tramper", all-terrain buggy for the disabled. We now have two the same, though his is younger than mine. He also shared in making of Deanbirders website. We went down onto The Marshes, which is the name that was given to it before they built a barrier to stop the River Severn. This is a lovely place with the wildlife in abundance. It was the first dragonfly of the season.