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Tuesday 8 April 2008

Rowen bud

The good old Rowen tree, new with spring and looks so beautiful. It won't be long before it turns into a tree with berries. I'll keep you posted how it is going.

Sunday 6 April 2008

Knobbly Tree

I spent most the day, (in between the snow showers), at Wenchford picnic site. I was amazed by how long I could spend so much time looking at nothing.

Saturday 5 April 2008

Blue Tit at Cannop Ponds (again)

Oh no, he hasn’t taken photographs of that bird again, but I caught the Blue Tits building their nest.

Friday 4 April 2008

Chiffchaff at Cannop Ponds

It is singing, forever singing. They have been everywhere there are trees. There's numerous amounts of the Chiffchaffs, happily chirping their song.

Thursday 3 April 2008

Starling. Photographed by Lydney cricket ground

I went to the opticians this morning to see if I should have any new ones. For photography it is important. He said there was not a real need, although there was a slight change in my eyesight. So, I said I’ll take them, because it is long time (2 years), until I take another test. Oh, the bird is a Starling, which you can agree they are easy to see, with or without glasses.