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Monday 17 March 2008

Well, and I thought that I was getting obese. This Reed Bunting really takes the cake.....................

Sunday 16 March 2008

They are back! As many as 100, swooping and diving above the first pool in Harbour Lane, Lydney. Swallows are here a little early, but I don't mind.

Saturday 15 March 2008

Another picture from Slimbridge WWT, it was taken in December 2007, why you may ask, but its raining. This is Blue-winged Teal.

Friday 14 March 2008

Not a very good picture of the Sparrowhawk, but it was raining, drizzling or something. It is looking for something to help cure the pain in its stomach. Probably a bird, as its great desire.
On David Slater's website ( is the most beautiful things you have ever seen. It's the Wild Boar. The story behind this, well, he tells it better than me.
Really nice one.