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Saturday 22 February 2014

Friday 21 February 2014

Part 5 Slimbridge. Common Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna)

This is a big, colourful duck, bigger than a mallard but smaller than a goose. Both sexes have a dark green head and neck, a chestnut belly stripe and a red bill.

We're asleep, go away!!
 I am here, wide awake
 Let us snore, please

Ha ha, NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Pintail [Anas acuta]

This week I'll be showing you the trip to Slimbridge WWT, by me and Callum. This trip was designed to make it the trip of hides, all were taken and natural, lovely.
Slightly bigger than a mallard, these long-necked and small-headed ducks fly with a curved back pointed wings and a tapering tail, making this the best way to distinguish them from other ducks in the UK. The pintail is a 'quarry' species, meaning that it can be legally shot in winter, but - unlike in parts of Europe - it does not appear that shooting is affecting their population status in the UK. The small breeding population and significant winter population make them an Amber List species.

 Woops, lost my head