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Monday 22 July 2013

Guillimots (Uria aalge)

The UK's coasts have many stretches of sheer cliffs where seabirds breed and the guillemot is one of the most numerous birds in the great 'seabird cities'. It comes to land only to nest, spending the rest of its life at sea, where it is vulnerable to oil spills. Dark brown and white, not as black as the similar razorbill, it has a 'bridled' form with a white ring round the eye and stripe behind it. (RSPB)
 Children, do not fall to sleep while I am teaching you
 Who said that,  there's a Razorbill creeping up on you?
Ah, there you are. Would you like to listen to my lesson?

Saturday 20 July 2013

Black-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)

Not really a black-headed bird, more chocolate-brown - in fact, for much of the year, it has a white head. It is most definitely not a 'seagull' and is found commonly almost anywhere inland. Black-headed gulls are sociable, quarrelsome, noisy birds, usually seen in small groups or flocks, often gathering into larger parties where there is plenty of food, or when they are roosting. (RSPB)