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Tuesday 6 December 2011

Starlings Under Attack (The Marshes, Lydney)

Flock of Starlings, under attack from whom? It is in the first picture and left hand side near the bottom.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Friday 2 December 2011

Redwing (Forest of Dean)

It's my dads birthday today, he is 90 years old. Whoopee. A good age, but, he doesn't look that old, just a spring chicken. I'm not sure what it means, he is alright. I won't be putting a blog up tomorrow, as we (all the family) are going to eat at vegetarian foods at the restaurant. Both of them, my dad and mum, are vegetarians.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Asian Brown Wood Owl (I C B P)

The 1st of December, let us see what good it will do. We are starting with this, taken back in June. Today, well, it wasn't a nice day. Hum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!