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Sunday 3 April 2011

Swallows (Harbour Road, Lydney)

I went to our place where the Swallows seems to come first, and, there it was, lovely birds. It normally lands here before thinking of going somewhere else to have their chicks.

Friday 1 April 2011

House Sparrow (Harbour Road, Lydney)

I was told by the weather person, that we were going into a day with sunshine, so what did I do, put on swimming trunks and head out toward it.  In fact, we were covered with clouds. You can't trust the weather person.............

                                Here is the female of the species, collecting grass to make her nest.

Thursday 31 March 2011

Juvenile Black-headed Gull and Mallard Duckings.

I didn't go out before 12.00 o'clock because it was a bit drowsy, the weather that is. So, I went down to our lake. There wasn't any body, which made me glad, sorry people.
The Black-headed Gulls had gone to the seaside, lucky birds; and all they left were the juveniles, they don't know what its for.

 Then, along came Miss Mallard Duck with her brood tagging each other. This one is my first in 2011.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Ring-necked Duck

The bad weather today meant that I couldn't take my camera out, poor little thing, she doesn't know when she will be taken out next. However, she remembers taking these last time she was out: