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Thursday 30 September 2010

Mute Swan

It was a nice day, or was it. Well, I sat there at New Fancy waiting for the entourage of birds. No luck there, a van full of people that wanted to go out to pick the mushroom, I was a bit peeved that they were knocking the poor mushrooms away. So, I went away and took up my camera, hence this is it.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Brahminy Kite

Do you believe it, it has been raining chickens and frogs. Olde pictures I'm affraid.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Ural Owl

Took a trip around by Naas Lane, but, it was too dark and dismal day. So, yes it's archives day.

Monday 27 September 2010

Buzzard (waiting for..............)

It was a très malheureux, in english, very miserable. It was one of those mornings or should I have said, the whole day, that it wasn't a day for a photographer. But, I ventured out and shot off some pictures.

Sunday 26 September 2010

Canda Geese & Mushrooms (a funny mix?)


Canada Geese
These are my funny mixture, Canada Geese and Mushrooms, some can be eaten and some you cannot. As a vege, I know which one I can't eat.