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Saturday 17 July 2010

The little things.

A Greenbottle
Followed by a moth (possibly The Lackey)
A spiders web, and its a large one. All done by one spider. What should she/he been doing in there.....

Friday 16 July 2010

Pictures from a day which is full of showers.

Mallard Duck with his summer plumage.
And a female, she doesn't need plumage, because she is so pretty.
Canada Goose, juvenile to be full of grace.

Wednesday 14 July 2010

The Eagle Owl

He/she is so beautiful. But, is it likely to be here in England, Wales, Scotland & Ireland. Some people don't like it, and some like it. Make up your minds time?

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Wet old day, went snorkeling.

I didn't take these images today, because it was raining all day long. The birds were still at it, searching for a morsel that will fill their stomachs, and butterflies and Dragonflies had gone to bed.