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Monday 16 November 2009

Common Crossbill (Boysgrave, FoD)

It was (can he mention it) raining, so today was a different day. I found my Crossbill collection, and I started to crop them. It didn't seem to mind my fiddling about with it. I guess I'll find out!

Sunday 15 November 2009

Saturday 14 November 2009


What do you do on a day like this one. Sit down and think, tidy up everything, (boring), but we kept all our electriciy! I suppose it is the yearning to go out and photos, maybe tomorrow...............

Friday 13 November 2009

A past again

Greylag Goose
A Coots chick
Canada Goose
Berwick's Swan
and a Baikal Teal
It's raining and there is a little bit of wind, 33-67kmh.
That's it, I think that you can understand why I am inside, and taking them (the photographs) and take a breather. These are 5 that got away!

Thursday 12 November 2009

Saker Falcon

Bad day! This morning was rather nice to start with, and when it looked good, it started with a
torrential rain and stayed that way. Who cares!!!