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Sunday 11 October 2009

Saturday 10 October 2009

Common Crossbill (Boys Grave, Forest of Dean)

The Common Crossbill has been on my blog before, but it looks better than the other one. This bird is so meticulous at feeding. He would go to a place where there is a pine cone, take it back to where he'd been the last time, and would eat the seeds from the cone. After which he would drop it. I hope that it doesn't drop it on somebody head!
This he will do it for a long time.

Friday 9 October 2009

Peregrine Falcon

Here we are, not only is it raining, but it's blooming cold! But, at least I can enjoy myself with a picture of a Peregrine Falcon. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH that's better!

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Green Woodpecker (New Fancy, Forest of Dean)

There I was, bored, thinking about having a sandwich (something I always do), or possibly to go away from here. Then, it flew down and settled not very far away. When I had my camera ready, two people came along, when it had noticed them, it flew into the trees. Damn!!!!!!!!!!! But after a few minutes, it flew down again and I got some pictures, not the best I admit, but it isn't bad!