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Tuesday 29 September 2009

Gorse in the Forest of Dean

I'm always going on about the weather, but today was good day. Would you believe it, I didn't take a picture worth this blog. There were some times I could have been faster, like the one that I went up there for, Common Crossbills and a the trees. But I didn't!!!!

Sunday 27 September 2009

Common Crossbill (Boys Grave)

These are the most terrible pictures that I had taken, but they were there. The first I had seen before. The weather was so bad, I wasn't very lucky. Well, I'll go up there sometime and shoot another roll............or whatever you might say about the digital.

Saturday 26 September 2009

Friday 25 September 2009

Speech House Woodlands

This one is absolutely hungry. He knows what it is and so does the other spider standing very still, because he's the one.
Speech House Lake. Funny thing is, there is nothing lurking about, swimming or human beings fishing.

The Holly and the Ivy........................................................................