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Friday 24 July 2009

Blue-tailed Damselfly

Guess what? Its been raining again. This afternoon it got a bit drier, but still, it became showers and sunshine. That's really awesome, what has happened to our summer? Global climate!!!!!!

Thursday 23 July 2009

Nuthatch (Cyril Hart Arboretum)

The bedraggled Nuthatch in the rain, showers after showers. It rained a lot, but, in Lydney, 6 miles away, it didn't get any. I think it would be better, if a little nearer to my home.

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Black Swan

This one is a little late, I took it while I was at Slimbridge WWT. As you guessed, it was a bit too showery here. Yet another day without a camera!

Monday 20 July 2009

Tatty butterflies

The Meadow Brown was quite shriveled.

And then there was the Gatekeeper, with half of it's wings. How does it fly?