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Monday 30 March 2009

Blackbird (Cyril Hart Arboretum)

As you have learnt by now, that the wrong title of the Feral Pigeon, which out to be the Stock Dove and the Field Horsetail was in the last listing. Lewis Thompson was that person, thanks to him. I will not get it wrong with this bird.....................................

Sunday 29 March 2009

Not known

I don't what this is, it could be a mushroom, a grass or something. Please write and tell me what it really is?

Friday 27 March 2009

Stock Dove (Cyril Hart Arboretum)

I stayed at home for most of the day, waiting for the post. You never know when they are to come. Still, it arrived at 11am, rather early! Just enough time to go and shoot some photos.

Thursday 26 March 2009

Brambling (New Fancy)

I took this bird inbetween showers. A poor lot.................... In a short visit, I gave up and off back home.