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Friday 6 February 2009

Wood Pigeon (My garden)

I didn't go out till 3.10pm, by which time it was too late. I went out to buy myself some petrol for the car. I still do as many miles as I would like; the price of petrol has gone down, but it doesn't seem to last so long. And, I hope that somebody will make the ultimate car, which is electric or something that is non polluting.

Thursday 5 February 2009

Happy in the snow

A woman from the Forestry Commission, hard work, playing with a snowball.
This one taken by my daughter of Arnold, that is what she calls him, and I didn't mean the cat!

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Cyril Hart Arboretum

It had snowed during the night before, and all the birds are hungry. The Pied Wagtail was quiet, and busy looking all around for some predatory beast. There wasn't one.
Long-tailed Tit. Beautiful bird.
Also there was the Great Spotted Woodpecker, he too was looking about.
And, the Blackbird, rummaged about with snow.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Monday 2 February 2009

Collared Dove (My garden)

These were taken in the snow, not as bad (or good, whatever you might think), and behind a glass opening. A window. I had to be there, because it was freeeeeeeeezing! Oh, they were right, meteorologists, and for once they had to celebrate themselves.