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Friday 7 November 2008

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Buzzard at Cyril Hart Arboretum

The Buzzard was eating lumps of beef given to him/her by a lady, who also feeds the Ravens. It was marvelous. She also was a disabled. The picture was a bit off, it was a bit cloudy.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Shoveler at Slimbridge WWT

Beautiful birds, this one is a female. It flocked with 26 female and 1 male, but that made me think, and now, still thinking.

Monday 3 November 2008

Brambling at New Fancy View

At New Fancy View, there were 3 good birders, thats Andy Carey, Brian Davis and Chris Grady, you can read their all about them, they are on my links. The Bramblings are tremendously nice to look at, which I don't believe I've put them in their photographs. Especially now, it was cloudy....