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Saturday 1 November 2008

Great Crested Grebe at Slimbridge WWT

I have slipped down again, back to the beautiful Slimbridge. It was a dismal day here, and all the photos that I took, were thown in the recycle box. Maybe it will get better!

Friday 31 October 2008

Wednesday 29 October 2008

A white autumn at Foxes Bridge

It was cold this morning, -1.7 degrees centigrade, brrrrrrrrrrrrr. But it didn't stay that way, at about 10.45am, it all went overcast and murky. To tell you, I was cold and pleased to be going back home.

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Ruddy Darter at the Marshes

Yes, it's only 7 days since I last put this up, but it is nearly November, 8 degrees centrigrade but still, it's alive!