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Saturday 4 October 2008

Starling feeding chicks

I took this picture back in June '08, I was mopeing about and found this one. After all, it was raining.

Friday 3 October 2008

Dunnock on the Marshes

I'm back at the Marshes, looking for a Kingfisher or Little Grebes, but I can't get a photograph of them. It was a lovelly morning but, there weren't any of the two birds.

Thursday 2 October 2008

Common Darter at the Marshes, Lydney

It was a beautiful day, but, it was cold................brrrrrrrr. It seems that it became colder as the day went on. I didn't take into account the wind.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Greylag Goose at Lydney boating pool

I had a meeting with Dave Morris from GLS, to discuss the fence and the gate (which is locked), by the Docks. It stopped me, (and many more who can't get through for certain reasons), going there. It's a most beautiful site. And, there are many birds, the Dunlin, Green Sandpiper, Oystercatcher, Water Pipit, Turnstone and Wheatear. Why then, can't we go and see them?

Tuesday 30 September 2008

Whistling Swan photographed at Slimbridge WWT

This one wasn't photographed today, it was many moons ago. It is time to use it. It's not raining too much, but, overcast and gloomy.