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Sunday 28 September 2008

A Bug on my window

This one was found on a double glazed window, that's why it looks like 4 images. It not a brilliant photo, but it was the weathers fault. Ha ha ha.

Saturday 27 September 2008

A Misty morning in Foxes Bridge Colliery

Not so bad. The cold and foggy start to a most brilliant sunshine. I saw plenty of Fallow Deers, but I didn't manage to photograph them. Still, I will keep on.

Friday 26 September 2008

A Tree Stump at Nagshead nature reserve

It was a quiet day, nothing very new. In fact, I had to photograph the nearest to me. I was in the Campbell hide, and for 2 hours, I didn't see anything. I mean just that.

Wednesday 24 September 2008

Pheasant being fattened for Christmas

They are only kept for shooting them. It is funny, how they are born, about 8 months later, then put out to be shot. That's funny, imagine it could be a human, living till 16 years and being bred for that purpose, ha ha. Oh, ask the suicide bombers?