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Saturday 30 August 2008

Cygnet at the Marshes, Lydney

This cygnet was chased by the larger of two adults, male. The cygnet was all alone, it must have been chased off, probably by his father. It kept low in the bank, 5 meters from myself. I was heavily camouflaged, so he didn't know I was there. I had waited for at least an hour, before it got up and went back in the water. I hope it will be alright.

Friday 29 August 2008

Small Copper butterfly at The Marshes, Lydney

It was a dull and dreary day, but I had to show this insect, mainly because I didn't show one before. It is the least picturesque of my butterfly collection, and the photograph wasn't that great.

Thursday 28 August 2008

Bar-headed Goose at Lydney boating lake

It is a dreadful day, just like it was yesterday, and the day before. This, you'll understand, why I have been digging deep into the many postings.

Wednesday 27 August 2008

The Cinnabar caterpillar on Ragwort

The Cinnabar chrysalis turns out to be a real feeder, in this instant it eats all of the Ragwort. I wouldn't get too close, it may be your turn!

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Kestrel in the Forest of Dean

It was an awful day, cloudy and damp. I have delved into my archive and found this Kestrel.