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Saturday 29 March 2008

Wren. Photo at Lydney

I saw this one in among the trees in my garden. It seems quite unusual to see one here, its a sight for your eyes.

Friday 28 March 2008

Blackbird at Lydney recreation ground and pond

It was a half rainy day, lovely the rest of it. But, it started to rain every time I got my camera out. The only thing that I caught was this Blackbird in the sunnier period.

Thursday 27 March 2008

Wednesday 26 March 2008


You know that it's a lovely day, and you just want to get out and see local birds; well I couldn't do it. Because my life was full today. I was meeting a man, my kids were coming to stay, I had to do the shopping and go to the library, apart from that, I did find an hour to do my favourite thing.

Tuesday 25 March 2008

Spring is here.........Beautiful flowers are growing. The chance that I might be totally wrong, but one is Cuckooflowers and the other is a sort of buttercup. There it is, I've nearly always got it wrong!