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Saturday 12 September 2015

Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa)

I went to Slimbridge WWT, and I took many pictures whilst there. But, my favourite was the Black-tailed Godwit, tremendous to see.

Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8 Di Macro 1:1 for Canon. For sale. £100

Contact me.

Also, Canon 30D camera - £50
         Canon 40D camera - £75

Thursday 10 September 2015

Mute Swan (Cygnus olor)

Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8 Di Macro 1:1 for Canon. For sale. £100

Contact me.

Also, Canon 30D camera - £50
         Canon 40D camera - £75

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Female Pochard

This one is unknown, found it during a trip to Slimbridge WWT. It was a female, I think, help me......................

Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8 Di Macro 1:1 for Canon. For sale. £100

Contact me.

Also, Canon 30D camera - £50
         Canon 40D camera - £75

Friday 4 September 2015

Garganey (Anas querquedula)

The Garganey is one of small dabbling  duck. It is so beautiful, this one is a male.

Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8 Di Macro 1:1 for Canon. For sale. £100

Contact me.

Also, Canon 30D camera - £50
         Canon 40D camera - £75

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Swallow (Hirundo rustica)

Are they going away for the winter in September?

Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8 Di Macro 1:1 for Canon. For sale. £100

Contact me.

Also, Canon 30D camera - £50
         Canon 40D camera - £75