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Saturday 22 June 2013

Black Guillimot (Cepphus grylle)

Back to the Isles of Shetland.
Its striking black and white plumage and bright red feet make it easy to identify in summer. Unlike most other European auks the black guillemot is typically found in ones and twos, scattered around rocky islets. It is typical of the larger sea lochs of western Scotland, and the northern and western isles, but is also found in Ireland, the Isle of Man and in a handful of spots in England and Wales.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Great Crested Grebe chick (Podiceps cristatus)

It was nice today, no clouds and no wind, just plain ole sun, lovely. So, I went out and captured the Great Crested Grebe + chicks, as I had left it too late.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)

The oystercatcher is a large, stocky, black and white wading bird. It has a long, orange-red bill and reddish-pink legs. In flight, it shows a wide white wing-stripe, a black tail, and a white rump that extends as a 'V' between the wings. Because it eats cockles, the population is vulnerable if cockle beds are overexploited. Breeds on almost all UK coasts; over the last 50 years, more birds have started breeding inland. Most UK birds spend the winter on the coast; where they are joined on the east coast by birds from Norway. (RSPB)