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Wednesday 3 August 2011

House Martin (Old Factories, Harbour Road, Lydney)

This is the first that I had put in this blog, but, I hope you will see more.
It is well camouflaged 
Today's music is: Kate Bush ( )

Monday 1 August 2011

Black Kite (Gloucestershire)

Not a good day, overcast, down beaten, bad atmosphere, boring, and I'm talking about the weather. And, how about me...........................

Today's music is: John Lennon ( ) And now, I can get really depressed.

Sunday 31 July 2011

Abyssinian Eagle Owl, so I am told.

It's not a lovely day today, I have got a poor old electric scooter, it has bad brakes, I think, every time I take it out. The fact is, I can't do much without it, walking is a non-go. So, it's time to put on the thinking cap. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Music time is: The outrageous Captain Beefheart ( ) By the way, I have approximately 9493 songs for you, hee, hee, hee.