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Wednesday 29 June 2011

Small & Large Skipper Butterflies (Lydney)

Now, is the time to show you the difference between the species. That is the Large Skipper.............

and these are the Small Skippers! 

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Monday 27 June 2011

Ladybird or Ladybug?

In England we call it a Ladybird and in America they call it a Ladybug, so, what do you think, are you a birder or bugger?

Saturday 25 June 2011

Juvenile Moorhen (Lydney Boating Lake)

After 2 weeks, it has grown. It is the same one, no, I don't know where the information came from, woops, I must have done it.
Oh, I feel great, all to do with drugs they have given me, drugs, drugs, drugs are a wonderful experience.