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Tuesday 14 September 2010

Mushrooms alive (New Fancy, FOD)

Russala to Boletus, there are many kinds of which I have forgotten. But, I think, that all of these are, do you want to be in my hands!

Monday 13 September 2010

Harris Hawk (Part II)

It didn't rain very much, but it was dark day, so I didn't go out. So, I dug these out.

Sunday 12 September 2010

Sedge Warbler (Naas Lane, Lydney)

This is really a nice find, I have found so many things there. The Sedge Warbler is the most beautiful.

Saturday 11 September 2010

Harris Hawk (Part 1)

I wasn't here yesterday, because, it was my daughter was at Newport University diploma giving, and yes, she got one. Good luck for the future.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Spectacled Owl (ICBP)

Why do they call me SPECTACLED Owl, oh why?

I am bored.

Ah, that's better, he keeps breathing on me.

This is for Joo.