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Friday 6 November 2009

House Sparrow (Forest of Dean)

It was the quietness that had me pondering about what I would if.................and it came from the Sparrow, woops I had forgotten what I was thinking.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Great Crested Grebe (Winter Plumage) Lydney boating pond

The first time I have photographed this bird in its winter plumage. But, it was a windy day and a choppy lake.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Meadow Pipit (Naas Lane, Lydney)

I got near enough to what I wanted to photograph, (that is a better lens). I have taken them before, but, never close up. I'm quite pleased with today's photographs.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Nuthatch at New Fancy, Forest of Dean

I know, its one of them. But, this is an item of beauty, and one I can say, cheers to the Nuthatch, you make me want to cry.

Monday 2 November 2009

The morning after..................

The morning after the deluge, and it happened with the trees, lost its summer/autumn clothing.
But there is the Great Tit
and, happy and chirping little Robin.