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Saturday 22 August 2009

Common Blue and Small White butterflies.

This pic is one of two butterflies enjoying themselves, unfortunately they chose the privacy of a flower.

The Small White is a bit shabby. It has been attacked by some beasties.

Friday 21 August 2009

Red Kite

There were a lot of showers, mostly in the morning but a little in the afternoon. So, I thought that it is time to give up, and do some shopping which I suggest, was in need of doing it. And then, it started to clear up. The weather, I mean. It will have to have wait..............I am hungry.

Thursday 20 August 2009

Peacock butterfly

I had to wait all day for the men who were going to make a new kitchen. I was so unhappy, that they didn't come until 12.30pm. So, I put my camera out in the garden and the Peacock butterfly, dancing on a Buddleia bush.

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Southern Hawker (Wild Lydney)

This is a couple enjoying the the sun. I am so terribly sorry, that a bit of light got into my camera. It must of been the setting I had done.

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Wood Pigeon

I've been out for a part of the day, unlike yesterday. But, I captured a Wood Pigeon, that was all I could find. I'll have to do more tomorrow.