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Thursday 16 April 2009


Well, the general, it was mostly for the Wild Boar, with a little bit on the bad scene. I'll tell you more about it, tomorrow, I think. Now. I am tired. Tatty bye.

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Swallow (Lydney)

This happened yesterday, but I was too busy to put it up. And this for instance, will be the last day I will publishing the meeting about the Wild Boar. It starts at 6.30pm at the Forest council offices, in Coleford. Tomorrow. Don't be late!

Tuesday 14 April 2009

A roadside flower

This was on a journey to the endless life, the world expanding and divulging. What a load of rubbish!
It was a dismal day, drizzling all morning and it was almost the same. So, it was a bad day for a "pix" man. Never mind, there is always another day!

Monday 13 April 2009

Cob Mute Swan (Lydney)

I had heard of the Cattle Egret on the Marshes, I followed the herd of cows looking for them. But, it didn't like me. No Cattle Egrets! I wasn't there at their eating times, maybe early in the morning. So, I was left with the Swan.

Sunday 12 April 2009

Blue Tit (Foxes Bridge)

Not a surprise to see this bird, but always to good picture. It wasn't good to have all the people around, being Easter weekend, and there is another day. I think I'll try somewhere else tomorrow, and hope that the people will not bother with it.