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Tuesday 18 November 2008

Grey Squirrel at Cannop Ponds

I know, it's grey not red. But she seems like she is having, or has already got some babies.

Monday 17 November 2008

Starling in my garden

It was not a brilliant day, in fact, it was shambolic. I didn't do very much, oh, it was today that I found out, the way forward for us (can't walk very far or can't walk at all) to raise the matter of walking in the countryside, when you come to a stile, but can't go any more. So, I will try to change that. I know of many such gates, stiles and just a fence.

Sunday 16 November 2008

Great Spotted Woodpecker at Cannop Ponds

Is she climbing a piece of wood, or it is small enough to take some food. I know it is a meter high, placed about, to stop all cars. And, it works well, good for the Forestry Commission.

Friday 14 November 2008

Brambling at New Fancy View

Yet another one, I can't stop filming them. This should be more photogenic than the other, you can see its eye, and its one to please my dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!