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Thursday 4 September 2008

The Tramper

This is my Tramper, a buggy that helps us me get around. With the car to tow it. You can tell that I am bored, the weather is going downtown!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is a bad time.

Wednesday 3 September 2008

Monday 1 September 2008

Lesser Black-backed Gull at Lydney boating lake

What a day, first it was nice, then on the stroke of midday, it began to rain. And it got heavier as it grew darker. Still, it's better than in Cuba and New Orleans. Cor...........

Sunday 31 August 2008

A Puff-ball at Lydney Docks

Here is a slightly chewed up Puff-ball, very tasty. But, I left it. What a stupid idiot?????????