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Saturday 9 February 2008

Farmyard Duck (A sort of Mallard Duck)

A Farmyard Duck enjoys swimming around with other Mallard Ducks, but he seems to be a loner, they don't want him. It looks alright when he is in the water, but walking is terrible. It is nearly impossible for it to stand up. He's good in water though.

Friday 8 February 2008

Small Tortoiseshell butterfly was the first of this year, it must have been the warmth. This isn't the right photograph as you can see, um, the Buddleia flowers from June to September.

Thursday 7 February 2008

The Grey Squirrel is such a cuddlesome creature; and what it's done to the Red Squirrel (native of these isles), is easy to forgive. It only lives, like everyone else. Here it is, nibbling its way through the seeds on the feeders/tables at Cannop Ponds.