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Sunday 1 April 2012

Chiffchaff (Canal side of the Marshes, Lydney)

A lovely day, a bit cold though. But, there would be the Chiffchaff in their hundreds, well, I meant to say, about 20.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Gadwall (Slimbidge WWT in a hide)

And this is inside a hide, a view of wildlife. I love being there. Although, it is hard for me to get around, most are not wheelchair, or tramper friendly. And when you've made a sighting place, it is too hard to get your camera in a such small hole. It was made, many years, for people to watch birds. But, I love it, and it doesn't cost much.

 Female Gadwall
 Both sexes together.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Hawaiian Gosling (Nene) Slimbridge WWT

The thing about the WWT (Wildlife and Wetlands Trust) is that they look after birds needs special attention, they  let the wildlife come by wings, like the Avocets. Well, after dribbling on and on, there was the another scene, where the Hawaiian Goose has given birth to two goslings, at the end of March, early. Everybody say, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh.