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Saturday 2 June 2018

Black-headed Gull - Chroicocephalus ridibundus

Photographed at South Hide, Slimbridge WWT, Gloucestershire, GB. I was very close.

Please look at my website is a photo of a Garganey. And an Female Kestrel by Callum in  the 'Guest photographer.

Thursday 31 May 2018

Lapwing - Vanellus vanellus

Photographed at Rushy Hide, Slimbridge WWT, Gloucestershire, GB.

Please look at my website is a photo of a Garganey. And an Female Kestrel by Callum in  the 'Guest photographer.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Gadwall - Anas strepera

Photographed at Rushy Hide, Slimbridge WWT, Gloucestershire, GB. (Wild)

Please look at my website is a photo of a Bewick's Swan. And an Female Kestrel by Callum in  the 'Guest photographer.

Sunday 27 May 2018

Dunnock - Prunella modularis

Photographed at Fewd Woods, nr Chepstow, Wales, GB.

Please look at my website is a photo of a Bewick's Swan. And an Female Kestrel by Callum in  the 'Guest photographer.

Friday 25 May 2018

Shelduck ducklings - Tadorna tadorna

Photographed at Slimbridge WWT, Gloucestershire, GB. (Wild)

Please look at my website is a photo of a Bewick's Swan. And an Female Kestrel by Callum in  the 'Guest photographer.